Letter from the Editors, Summer 2023

written by: Michelle L. Boettcher & Reyes Luna, ACPA Developments Editors

Hello, ACPA.

As so many students have said to one another in recent weeks, “We made it.” The 2022-2023 academic year has had its own unique challenges, frustrations, and has generated new fears for many of us. There are more concerns and struggles to come.

That said, we have also persisted, lifted one another up in a variety of ways, and succeeded on so many fronts. This issue of Developments celebrates some of those successes. In addition to the annual Business Report from Chris Moody on behalf of the ACPA Governing Board and information from the ACPA Books team, this time authors share insights, reflections, and strategies to continue to do the important work of student affairs.

Anne Thurmer encourages us to consider what an educated person is while Kellye Smith reflects on engaging in the educational process as a full-time employee with a family and years of experience while trying to connect with her direct-from-undergraduate classroom peers. Irina Kharitonova shares insights about supporting international students whose home countries are in crisis and Yolande Graham reviews A Handbook for Supporting Today’s Graduate Students by David Nguyen and Christina Yao. Aaron Hughey reflects on the accreditation process and Wen Xi Piombino provides insight on the power of saying, “No.” Finally, Flo Guido provides a reflection on her career centering determination and persistence.

Reflection is essential to our own learning and growth. Zora Neale Hurston said, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” What kind of year has this past academic year been? Maybe that is specific to each of us. Or maybe we can’t know that until later on. Regardless, reflection, support, determination, and persistence have been a part of each of our lives. Whether it is saying no and setting boundaries or understanding a bit more about how our own journeys have given us tools for today to continue to build toward the future, the past year and our past experiences overall have given us tools to use today to continue to build toward the future.

We hope you take time to celebrate all you have achieved and to find some time for a bit of renewal this summer. Congratulations, ACPA. We made it.

Michelle L. Boettcher & Reyes Luna

Developments Editors