A Message from the Editors

Hello and welcome to fall 2023, everyone.

As you transition from the start of classes and welcoming students to campus, you will find that this issue of Developments is particularly useful. In addition to pieces from ACPA President Heather Shea on fostering critical hope and a welcome to the new term from Executive Director Chris Moody, we have a variety of articles helpful in supervision, practice, training, and the classroom.  Additionally, our books team, Jenny Small and Kari Taylor share suggestions and information about publishing your next book with ACPA.

The articles in this issue cover a variety of timely topics. You will find reflective pieces on the personal journey (Vitale) and career decision-making for new professionals (Battinelli; Spellman, Goetzinger, & Morgan). Our authors also discuss supporting students with disabilities (Mayo), graduate students (Edmunds), and supporting students through academic coaching (Rubin & von Spiegel).

John Lowery has written an excellent piece on the recent Supreme Court decisions about race-conscious admissions that is relevant to practice and academic discussions/work. George McClellan and Judy Kiyama Marquez provide a great overview of the new edition of The Blue Book, also known as The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration.

Along with a call for sharing your perspectives on the future of student affairs in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of ACPA, you will find a conversation between ACPA leaders Nancy Evans and Vernon Wall about their connection to the organization, their experiences with ACPA as members and past presidents, and their visions for the future.

Finally, Reyes and I worked on a guide that we hope you will find helpful. We designed it to give you some suggestions on how you might use the Developments publication in work and learning spaces. We provide strategies and link articles you might consider using to each of our recommendations.

The next issue (Dec/Jan) will again be dedicated to case studies. Please send your cases our way. If you are teaching this term, consider encouraging your students to submit cases for publication. After the success of this initiative last year (30+ cases published), we hope to continue to build those resources for ACPA members this year. And don’t hesitate to reach out with other article ideas. We are happy to work with you on the things you think we as members need to be discussing.

All the best to each of you. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do in the future. Please take care of yourselves as you care for so many others. Have a wonderful fall.

-Michelle & Reyes

Michelle L. Boettcher
Developments Editor
[email protected]

Reyes J. Luna
Developments Co-Editor
[email protected]