Hello ACPA Membership,
As we approach the convention in New Orleans, we are happy to share with you a variety of articles in this issue of Developments. Specific to our gathering in the coming days is an article by Dr. Aja Holmes—ACPA’s Director of Membership Development. In that article, Aja provides suggestions and encouragement about attending and making the most of convention time. Similarly, convention is a great time to get involved and do some organizational service. Current Presidential Intern Abi Case and two previous interns, Wayne Glass and Rachel Clark, share about their experiences in the role and their experiences with other aspects of service to ACPA.
This issue also includes three articles on faculty/student partnerships around learning and research. Kevin Glover and Dr. Ricardo Montelongo explore spirituality; Dr. Laila McCloud and Emily Morrison explore lessons learned from undergraduate research partnerships; and Meena Pannierselvam, Dr. Stephanie Bondi, and Yi Xuen Tay discuss how they came together to do social justice work on their campus. In addition, Adam Roth-Saks shares his insights about building effective advising practice for online professional graduate students.
As we approach our time together in New Orleans and the 100th year of ACPA as an organization, we hope you will not only enjoy these articles, but that you will consider submitting your own essays, program overviews, dreams for the future, collaborations, and creative work. In the May-June issue we will include some of our leaders’ reflections on their careers with ACPA and in higher education. Please submit or encourage those you see as leaders who helped us get where we are to submit their reflections, as well.
We are an organization of creative thinkers and doers. Your thoughts and insights are what make this organization dynamic and transformative. We hope you enjoy this work and will share yours as well.
Have a great convention, everyone.
Michelle Boettcher & Reyes Luna
Developments Editors