Happy Graduation Season, Developments Readers.
We hope that this issue of the publication finds you each doing well with many things to celebrate despite an academic year full of challenges. As students graduate and move on to new opportunities, as many of us move from one role to something new, now is a great time for reflection not only to acknowledge the past, but to plan for the future.
The articles in this issue provide pieces that reflect on the unexpected moments in the past year as well as celebrating achievements of our colleagues. There are case studies and new ways of thinking about assessment and the ACPA/NASPA competencies.
As you move into and through the summer, please consider submitting for an upcoming issue of Developments. As you have read over the past year, we actively seek manuscripts from practitioners and are incredibly excited to share personal essays and reflections. Faculty, please encourage your students at the masters and doctoral level to consider submitting for publication. We work closely with authors to help them prepare their work for this outlet.
Thanks for considering wisdom, humor, insights, reflections, and strategies you might share with ACPA members in the future. We look forward to sharing your work.
Take care and have a good summer.
Michelle Boettcher & Reyes Luna
Developments Editorial Team