A Message from the Editorial Team | Boettcher, Babb, Montelongo, Dueñas

written by: Michelle Boettcher, Samantha Babb, Ric Montelongo, Mary Dueñas

Dear ACPA,

As we reach the end of another academic year, we hope each of you has had a number of successes to celebrate. As you reflect on your achievements and challenges, your new initiatives and your ongoing projects, we hope you will consider writing about those reflections and submitting to Developments. We have a highly-engaged group of readers who look for new ways of thinking and doing and articles to share in onboarding, training, staff development, and classrooms. Your work, questions, and areas of curiosity can help fuel the work and learning we do across higher education.

As for this issue, we are excited to share a number of articles with you from creative, reflective, and insightful partners in the work. Not all issues of Developments lend themselves to themes, but this one does. A thread through all of the pieces in this issue is the idea of finding the way. Each of our authors talks about this idea whether it is finding the way

    • into the field of student affairs (Williams)
    • to a sense of belonging (Waggoner)
    • into the role of College President (Bardusk)
    • involvement cultivates multiracial identity (Dean-Scott, et al.)
    • to highlight globalization in higher education (Dadzie & Kharitonova)
    • to incorporate mental health training in faculty development (Vega, et al.)
    • to engaging ethical mindfulness in our work (O’Brien)

Additionally, Executive Director Chris Moody’s submission this time around is the annual business report for ACPA. It is literally how we found our way as an organization through the past year. 

Enjoy this collection of work. Consider submitting your own personal essay, professional reflection, new initiatives, and questions for us to wrestle with. Thanks to everyone for making Developments such a great resource for ACPA. 

Have a wonderful summer. We’ll see you again in the fall.

Michelle Boettcher, Developments Editor ([email protected])

Samantha Babb, Developments Associate Editor ([email protected])

Ric Montelongo, Developments Associate Editor/Reviewer ([email protected])

Mary Dueñas, Developments Reviewer ([email protected])