Reflective Verses: A Carolina Housing Poetry Project | Gibbs & Goetzinger


For our residents, for our staff, for our school.


In Reflective Verses: A Carolina Housing Poetry Project Resident Advisor Celia Gibbs and Community Director Victoria Goetzinger have compiled a collection of poetry from students, student staff, and professional staff from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH). Finding that poetry has been a cathartic and healing mode of expression for themselves in the past, they wanted to bring that thought to Carolina Housing. This collection shares the lived experiences of students and staff throughout the 2023-2024 school year reflecting on values development, community, and resilience.

Note: In the fall of 2023 UNC-CH had two campus lockdowns due to armed and dangerous persons. The first on August 28 ended with the fatal shooting of professor Dr. Zijie Yan. On September 13, a person brandished a gun in the student union. Please note some of the works included in this collection refer to gun violence.


Student Poems

 Roses are red

Violets are blue

My co-RAs are amazing

And my love for them is true

– Anonymous


Opinionated on a stance

Is one to be stood

The values you learn

Can be understood

Take a moment to slow down

And breathe in deep the fresh air

And look around you, and recognize your audience, something to remember

– By Greyson F.


so many people, 9 floors

friends and collaborators, 124 suite doors

opening hearts, 27 more

unity in a community, together we roar

friendships forever, yes, we swore

– Anonymous


“Care”lina housing

Where we care for each other

And build a sweet home

– Anonymous


Heart pounding

mind racing

I’m nearly at the finish line

The degree is about to be mine

But yet, do I want to have it?

Life is just changing so fast

I don’t want to finish up last

– Anonymous


In the heart of the city’s sprawl,

Where voices mingle and stories enthrall,

Lies the pulse of community, strong and fair,

A tapestry woven from threads of care.

Resilience shines through each shared smile,

Through trials that stretch each weary mile;

Roots that deepen with the test of time,

Holding firm when mountains climb.

Values whispered on winds of change,

Guiding principles, broad and strange,

Marking paths with gentle signs,

In the deeds that define our lines.

Inclusion blooms in this vibrant plot,

Where no soul is forgotten, none forgot;

A garden thriving in diversity’s light,

Each unique bloom a splendid sight.

Together, stronger, we face the dawn,

In the chorus of life, we each belong;

A community’s power, in union we see,

In every heart, the promise to be free.

– By Gilbert Frost



i was on a high

rust brown bricks began to lighten my steps

and Carolina blue commodities lined my closet and walls

acres of centuries-old buildings and wispy branches budded with sunkissed leaves

spread across a wonderland

and i am untouchable

but then the sidewalks shiver under police car tires and desperate footsteps

the old walls of these buildings are leaned against and blockaded

prayers pleading they’re bulletproof

those branches rustle from the wind of students sprinting towards life

and no baby blue letterman jacket, twenty-three jersey, or perfectly uncreased j’s

seems to matter

as i frantically dial my mom’s cell phone number

sobbing on the shoulder of a girl i met last week

we text and call and post and cry

i am not untouchable

water bottles store piss and tears in classrooms, cafeterias, and closets

news updates, emails, and snapchat stories teem with conflicting information

rumors and facts ping around in my mind as if it’s a pinball machine

worst fears gurgle in my throat

i’m nauseous though the lunch i just bought is in a box in my hand

but even though i’m not untouchable

it’s not just tragedy that gets its hands on me

i’m touched by

the bandidos worker and janitor guarding the doors to lenoir

the girl who told us there was an active shooter

the friend whose backpack rests on her chest as she holds my weeping figure

i’m touched by

the ap statistics and tenth grade chemistry partners i haven’t talked to in years, asking if i’m okay

the study center on battle lane offering counseling services in the days to come

the students holding hands and candles in the vigil for our professor

i’m touched by

classmates who only know my name, major, and hometown now ensuring i’m safe

professors who haven’t even had time to memorize our names

extending empathy and heartfelt messages

my roommates embracing me like they haven’t seen me for decades

because we just lived through a shooting

at school

so i am not untouchable

my heart has been broken by a life lost and thousands of others halted and shattered

but sewed and stitched by strangers and suitemates

feeling the same pain

but empowered to heal by a shared love for the people who walk into our lives

and touch them

– By Muriel Folk


As eclipse cloaks the day in a twilight haze,

casting a glow that’s both old and new.


Tree shadows upon the bricks,

forming in crescent shapes amaze.


A river of moons on the ground finds its place.

With each breath of wind, the river flows, and sway.


Nature’s elements in a moment unite,

In this harmony when day and dusk entwine.



(The twilight is dim. The eclipse covers the day.)

– By Jing



A Spring Day in Carolina

A field of jade could not in any way

Compare to the quad on a Spring’s day.

Rich sunlight, satin and soft

One sits above life, elevated, aloft

Though the sweat may collect and gather

One would not have it any other way. Rather

In this simple, lovely haze

Sit or lay in golden days.

Propped against a great poplar

See what all life has to offer.

The whoosh of cars passing by

Not a care in the world and no wonder why.

Should one thirst then they shouldn’t dally

Slip past housing and bushes, a natural alley,

Turn ‘round the corner and only time can tell

The age of the water from the Old Well

All that one needs is to take a simple sip

And doing this, and wiping their lip

Looking around at our Precious Gem

Know that life can never be the same again

– By William “Stormy” Epley


That Human

I am that genre of human

that clicks snooze to the Radar alarm

on her iPhone until the next hour

introduces itself,

revealing that the class

fifteen minutes away

starts in ten.

Who then rushes in pajamas

because the professor counts

for attendance

ever since class presence

became an issue.

Heads to the dining hall

to chow down mystery chow

until the next class

starts in forty-five.

Goes to the library to review notes

they don’t remember taking.

And go over

poetic drafts and see

which is ready for the next stage.

Puts on uniform to the

maternity section

to volunteer time

with babies and mothers,

making sure they are comfortable

in the halls of the hospital

When night rolls round,

goes back to the dorm to do some laundry

they should have done yesterday

while figuring out which episode of

Bob’s Burgers to watch.

– By Klodia Badal


Student Staff Poems

Easy, soft, kind smiles

I see them every day

Compliments and praise

I hear it every day

A flood of peace when I step out the door

I feel it every day

Joy permeates my time Carolina

I experience it every day

A prayer of thanks for this time

I whisper it everyday

– By Diya Patel



Breakups, makeups, exams, and parties.

Friends, family, sickness, and bodies.

Problems that aren’t mine.

But are on my mind.

– By Tulsi Patel


I feel their smiles as we pass each day

Every meeting is a new chance to say

I’ve found a home within five buildings who knew

I hope they feel at home with me too


These people remind me to try my best

I no longer have to keep things close to my chest

Family is not only blood it is built

I now have a foundation for the times my world tends to tilt


It’s the simple things in the way they care

A nice word, a warm embrace, everything I can now bare

I love my “ram”ily through and through

I don’t know what I would do without you.



String lights I see every day

Despite me saying, “put it away”

Another incident report

That’s where I have to resort

-Luca Buchoux


Hinton James

I’m not sure who he is but I know it’s the brightest place on campus

10 floors

Over 1000 students

And an infinite amount of memories to be made

-Courtney Castillo


The space between people is

littered with regrets

paved with almosts

and should haves

and never dids

and a pile of unsaid things.

We are rafted on possibilities.

Often longing to reach into the waves

and grasp a few more fleeting things


We do something important

Something that shouldn’t be forgotten

Between people we shine lights,

introducing friends,

making memories

picking up a few of those almosts

speaking a few of those words

in a safety and in heart we bloom.

– Jonas Snyder



Through vibrating buildings, indoor classrooms (with no walls), and 4th floor corner offices,  I found where I belong.

Laughter, advice, and insights fills the walls with its occupiers roaming away.

Although these places, its memories, or occupiers may not remain here forever,

I know that wherever I go, they’ll stay with me as I move forward.

-Shanly Vong


New people new places new norms

Unfamiliar, yet a new home

Independence, like cooking,

a skill I had to learn asap

Systems of support, like seasons,

they came and went

Goals, like confidence,

still working on them

Balance and self care

a work in progress

Started with self doubt

And the tendency of quitting

When I saw trouble lurking

Now, on The fifth attempt

and still persevering

Friendships and vulnerability,

not quite there yet

but certainly still trying

And on self worth,

now and forever I’ll still be striving

-Ann Safo


1 to 28,000

Move in day

He sits alone on that squeaky bed

And he misses “pizza game night”

At home


First day of school

Young man steps out

backpack a chute

And every step drags

he sits alone on the bus


28,000 to one

He sits alone at lunch

And walks back to his room

His roommate might say hi

before the headphones go in.


And then one day

A flyer on his squeaky door

Announces “floor wide pizza game night”

And he’s home

-Alek Pozder


I now know how Jack and Jill must feel

Tumbling down the hill

41 laps up and down Skipper Bowles hill

10 miles ran by sheer power of will


Who knew ankles could get cramps

As I clutch my leg on nature’s ramp

Yet I trudged along

Until my debt is gone


Last month, I taught my residents resilience

To continue on while things are crappy

Albert Camus has a brief stroke of brilliance

When he said, “one must imagine Sisyphus happy.”

-Tyler Xia


I never claimed to be a poet

but just in case y’all didn’t know it

Carolina Housing is so cute

Get on over here, toot toot!



Bang Bang Bang

Shots rang out in all our heads

The shrapnel piercing our hearts,

Weighing down our minds

But before I can drown

From the lead weights

Dragging my soul

A warm hand in mine

Lifts me up

Together we stand

Proud, Strong

Tar Heels Tall

– By Aaliyah Wines



Faces all around

Faces top to ground

Faces that ground me

And faces that astound me


The people around

They stand their ground

To keep our home

Safe and sound


We keep each other from drowning

Yes we stay afloat

If anyone ever needs, they can join our boat.

-Sydney Schulterbrandt


Winding and bare, desire paths where the grass lies flattened.

Easy to walk on, easy to bear.

Where the mind wanders time and again

Through hopes and nightmares.

For reality never follows.

Unwanted paths where the grass lies green

No time for the swallows

To pluck at the reeds.

-Mia Fang


I Find Him Here

I want to hug the maintenance men

that blow the leaves and cut the branches

in front of my building.

They’re made in the shape of my father.

When I walk by I wait for them to ask for my help,

oldest child of an oldest child.

My father finds love in service, in sacrifice.

I can see it in the shoes I receive once a year

and his own with holes in the soles.

He says I’m the only one who can make him cry,

says that he sees more of himself in me than he likes.

Stubborn, annoyed easily, with a standard to wear until worn.

He is the father that he didn’t have,

and I find him in them, these workers.

I smell him in their sweat.

-Celia Gibbs 


Professional Staff Poems


Our little team

Diverse & pristine

They come to life

And want to be seen

By Victoria Goetzinger


I feel my time here coming to an end;

I will always cherish my lifelong friends.

Through this work, I’ve gained many skills,

So best believe, I’ll always be able to pay my bills.

I know when I leave, you’ll probably shatter,

But always remember, “You matter.”

By Styles!


To be kind is to be creative

with your words even during the most

challenging situations.

-Hannah Flory


Ring ring ring

the constant calls

Ring ring ring

Will I drop the ball?

Ring ring ring

Oh god no, not another brawl



We are shelter, made of bricks and stones

We are shelter, of ancestral bones

We are shelter, come find your home

-Victoria Goetzinger


To be “and” instead of “except”

To be “understood” instead of “perceived”

To be “immersed” instead of “added”

To be “neighborhood” instead of “other”

To be seen, To be embraced, To unify

To be, To be, To be…

-Tabitha Zarazinski


One lock down, two lock downs, shelter in place

In your classroom, in your dorm room, just run away

It won’t happen here

but wait, to late

One lock down, two lock downs, shelter in place

-Victoria Goetzinger


You’ve left an imprint on my heart

Straight from the start <3



Discover More

Before year four

Go on

There’s much to explore



Conduct can be scary

Often times I am wary

Will someone be mad?

Will someone be glad?

A resolution I must make

Documentation isn’t fake

Education is key

Education is up to me

-Hannah Flory


From the Old Well’s whispers to Franklin’s roar,

Every moment, a memory, forevermore.

Immersed in a community, diverse and bold,

Where aspirations soar, like banners unfold.

In the halls, where friendships ignite,

We journey together, towards futures bright.

From laughter to learning, from dusk to dawn,

This is the story of where we belong.

Sipping from the Well, a tradition so dear,

A taste of hope, dispelling all fear.

And when victory calls, we flood the street,

In a sea of blue, our joy complete.

As a storyteller of Carolina’s tale,

I witness the magic, never stale.

Welcome to Carolina.

-Matt Bertram


First, we want to thank everyone who participated in the Reflective Verses project whether that was through a poem submission, a share on social media, or telling your residents or coworkers about it. We (Celia and Victoria) are deeply humbled by you embracing this new project and being a part of its success. We would also like to thank Dr. Michelle Boetcher for supporting our ideas and collaborating to make this a reality. To the residents and friends of Carolina Housing – thank you for supporting each other and this department. We have been touched in many ways by our time at Carolina and are grateful for this time together. Additionally, we want to thank Matt and Rilee for pouring into this project and expanding it beyond our initial ideas. We would not have been able to do it without your support and all the laughs (shameless plug to check out the Carolina Housing podcast wherever you get your podcasts). Finally, our deepest appreciation goes to Allan Blattner for allowing us to expand the scope of this project to represent Carolina Housing in a publication of this type. Thank you to ACPA Developments for giving us a platform to share these stories.

Your voice and experience matter. We’re so proud of you.

In loving memory of Dr. Zijie Yan.

Editor Bios:

Celia Gibbs (she/hers) is a third-year student at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pursuing a degree in English and Comparative Literature focusing on creative writing, with a minor in the Writing for the Screen and Stage (WSS) program. She is from Tuxedo, North Carolina, and served as a Resident Advisor with Carolina Housing from 2023-2024.

Victoria Goetzinger (she/hers) serves as a Community Director for Carolina Housing at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Victoria received a Masters degree in Education in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Clemson University and Bachelors degree in Science in Sociology from Emporia State University.