A Letter from the Editors: Make This THE Year

Hello, ACPA.

We are excited to share this issue with you as we all begin a new academic year. You will find a variety of work here – personal essays, graduate student guidance, articles about supervision, leadership, universal design, and some ACPA history. There are articles you can read as you navigate your programs (grad students) as you begin your careers (newer professionals), as you prepare staff development and supervision activities (all level of professionals), and as you look for resources for your courses (faculty). Just as with past issues, this issue of Developments brings you information from a variety of perspectives that you can put to use right away.

As you read this issue, we strongly encourage you to begin thinking about what you might like to publish this year. Maybe you want to submit a case study for the December/January issue, maybe you want to share insights mid-year after we connect in Long Beach, or maybe you want to do something reflective in May/June. Highlight a new initiative, ask challenging questions, share a success or an obstacle you are navigating.

We want to hear from you about your ideas and about what is taking your time and focus. Developments is a wonderful place to publish. Even if you have not written for publication before, we are here to help. We offer support as you work with an existing draft or as you take something from the idea stage through to publication.

Your insights matter. Please reach out if we can help or answer questions.

Have a great year, everyone. Thank you for all you are and will be doing.


The Developments Editorial Team

Michelle Boettcher
Samantha Babb
Ricardo Montelongo
Mary Dueñas