Guidelines to Publication

Utilizing Developments…

Our articles are perfect for personal, professional, or student development.

Engage in a healthy Debate
Managing the Explosion of Technology
Spring 2014 (Vol. 12, Issue 1)

During a Staff Meeting
Student Affairs Staff Support, Resistance, or Indifference to Assessment
Spring 2013 (Vol. 11, Issue 1)

To Plan a Course
Enhancing Self-Efficacy in First-Year Seminars
Spring 2013 (Vol. 11, Issue 1)

For Personal Reflection
Series: “Women As”
Spring 2013 (Volume 11)

Focus Areas

Perspectives articles are based on authors’ personal or professional experience.  Articles could include:

  • Lessons learned and/or recommendations and strategies to help readers address similar issues in their professional lives and careers.
  • Standpoints on particular issues or topics.

Research & Assessment might include:

  • Trends in research and assessment in higher education/student affairs.
  • Innovative assessment strategies or approaches or results of specific assessment projects (Must have IRB/Human Subjects approval as necessary).
  • Results of research in early stages (Must have IRB/Human Subjects approval as necessary).
  • Literature reviews.

Series typically consist of a 3-5 articles published in consecutive issues of  Developments. Series could take on various forms:

  • Each article could offer a different viewpoint, perspective or angle on a broad topic (for example,  The Scholar Practitioner).
  • Each article could be dedicated to addressing a specific aspect of a broad topic (for example, Assessment, Advising, Personal Foundations).
  • Commissions and Coalitions are highly encouraged to submit suggestions for series, though anyone can propose a Series topic.  If you have an idea for a series, please contact Amanda Suniti Niskode-Dossett at

Commentaries provides an opportunity for ACPA members to share their opinions on issues facing our field and association.

  • Opinions expressed in Commentaries are not necessarily those of the  Developments editorial board, ACPA members, the Governing Board, Leadership, or International Office Staff.
  • Commentaries are not edited.  The  Developments editorial board reserves the right not to publish articles submitted for Commentary.

This area of  Developments highlights examples of how educators are using scholarship, research, or theory in practice.  Articles might describe the application of recently published works or explain the new, unique, or innovative use of seminal or foundational scholarship.  Article should:

  • Briefly describe the publication, highlighting the aspects you applied to your work.
  • Describe how specific ideas stimulated your thinking and enhanced your work, such as interactions with students or colleagues, teaching, programming, staff development, assessment, advising, or new research.
  • Offer recommendations for how readers could utilize the publication.
  • 1250 word limit.

Next Generation provides ideas, strategies, and reflection on the development of graduate students and new professionals.  Articles could include:

  • Insights from faculty teaching in master’s and/or doctoral preparation programs.
  • Viewpoints from/for supervisors of graduate students/new professionals.
  • Advice, strategies, or research on graduate students/new professionals.

Innovative Ideas highlight effective practices, programs, or strategies on college campuses.  Articles could include:

  • Explanations of new initiatives, rationale for implementation, or new ideas.
  • Lessons learned, recommendations, or strategies readers can apply to their own campus, professional lives, or careers.

Writing Worksheet

Individuals interested in publishing for  Developments can use this short worksheet to begin developing their idea.

Step 1:  Determine your topic and where it fits in  Developments.
Each of our six focus areas cover unique topics from different angles.  In which area would you like to be published?

This image displays the sections of Developments. They are: Perspectives, Putting Scholarship to work, Research & Assessment, Series, Innovative Ideas, Next Generation, Commentaries

Step 2:  Determine how you want others to use your article.
Developments is a wonderful tool for professionals in the field to enhance their work.  Before writing, think of how you would want others to intentionally utilize your article.  As you write, think about how your piece could be used in one of the following venues:

This image displays the various ways your article could be used: Personal reflection or discussion, Staff meetings or supervision, Program planning, retreats and professional development seminars, teaching or working with grad students.

Step 3:  Map your piece to one of the Student Affairs competency Areas
Developments is intention in our use of the Joint ACPA/NASPA Student Affairs competencies.  Which competency or competencies does your article address?

Step 4:  Write your Article
Articles should be between 2500-3000 words in length, using proper citation for references.  Putting Scholarship to Practice articles should not exceed 1250 words.

Step 5: Develop your Reflection Questions
Each article in  Developments is accompanied by 2-3 discussion questions.  Ensure that your questions address issues raised in the article, or that help individuals take the content of your article into their personal and professional work.  Include these discussions at the end of your article.

Step 6: Write your Biography
Be sure to include information about yourself at the end of the article.  We suggest including your current position, research interests, or other pertinent professional information.

Step 7: Submit your Piece
All pieces should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents through email to