A Note from ACPA Books Editors

As another school year gets underway, we hope you will consider reaching out to discuss your ideas for a book proposal. We value working with authors and editors at any and all stages of the writing process. Dr. Stephanie Bondi, Associate Professor of Practice in the Educational Administration department at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, explained the benefits of the process: “Working with ACPA Books, people from my home association, helped me understand the process and feel supported enough to build my confidence about moving forward with a book proposal.” Similarly, Dr. Kaity Prieto, Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs in the School of Education at The University of Southern Mississippi, noted: “For scholars who are relatively new to the book publishing process, working with the ACPA Books editors ensures you have folks in your corner who can smooth the road for you. Jenny and Kari helped us strengthen our proposal by highlighting areas that would be unclear to readers unfamiliar with our project’s focus.” Dr. Prieto added, “Plus, as someone who considers ACPA my professional home, giving back to the association while gaining support was an added bonus.”

For more information about ACPA Books, visit https://myacpa.org/publications/

To discuss your ideas, contact us at [email protected] and  [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Drs. Jenny Small and Kari Taylor, ACPA Books Co-editors